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(1 edit) (+2)

Cool game. I am also planning on making a game in GB Studio. Your game can be a great reference. I'll play it soon and leave a proper feedback.

Edit: Looks like you missed to upload a zip file that contains the whole game. I'll come again when it is ready to be downloaded, or finished. Looking forward to your game.

Hello! Thanks for checking this little demo project out. 

You should be able to play the game by downloading the file. The .gbsproj file that appears first contains just the GB studio files. 

Hope this helps!

Hi, I think if I download "just" the .gbsproj file, I can't see the images (and sounds) that comes with your demo. Maybe you can upload the whole folder containing the other subfolders and files, like: 'assets'.  Though, I'll try to open it and edit this comment to update you soon.

The Save/Load system has worked pretty well for me without any major flaws, which can help navigate some bugs if you can't reach the End. 

Saving on the Continue screen won't work. You won't be able to escape it on Load because there is no other scene on the stack to return to.

(1 edit)

My hefty to-do list so far.


Fix Clown trigger on multiple hits.

Fix sword swing animation overlap

Fix boss fight Update to carry between scenes

Add transparency to Key graphic

Make all doors two tiles wide

Fix item visibility after pick up

Adjust item menu for 6 items

Fix phone animation — stop on interact.

Fix Shopkeeper rug color clash

Clown flickers after removal

Show avatars in Item collection dialogue

Add word “Gold” to Gold counter

Remove pipe object from Home

Fix “You don’t have the key.” text re-trigger

Make Continue take player back outside dungeon

Reset Gold counter after buying Boots

Fix ability to read Book in Underground

Better sprites for enemies

Better player sprite(s)